MONROVIA-The Alternative National Congress (ANC) political leader was late today Tuesday, January 4, 2022 set free after a valid appearance bond was filed by his lawyers.

Mr. Alexander Cummings, flanked by security guards, executive members and supporters of his Party, disembarked his vehicle on the grounds of the Temple of Justice to respond to charges of Forgery and Criminal conspiracy, levied against him by the All Liberian People Party(ALP).

Monrovia City Magisterial Court Judge Jonah Jallah granted the Criminal appearance bond from Mr. Cummings lawyers in order to set him free till the case can Commence.

A writ of Forgery and Criminal Conspiracy was filed against ANC Political leader Alexander Cummings on Monday by ALP, headed by Mr. Benoni W. Urey for altering the framework document which binds four (4) political parties together, the CPP.

Mr. Cummings’s ANC is part of the collaborating Political parties( CPP), a collaboration of four political parties; Liberty Party(LP), Unity Party(UP) All Liberian Party(ALP) and Alternative National Congress(ANC). The writ issued by Judge Joma Jallah said:“You are hereby commanded to arrest the living bodies of Alexander B. Cummings and others to be identified, defendants and forthwith bring them before the Monrovia City Magisterial Court Temple of Justice to answer to the crime of Forgery and Criminal Conspiracy based upon the oath and complaint of the Republic of Liberia by and thru All Liberian Party by and thru its National Chairman, Theodore Momo, plaintiff in which it is substantially alleged as follows wit”.

But in recent times, there has been accusations and counter accusations that Mr. Cummings altered the framework documents which unites all the parties. Mr. Cummings has denied all allegations. He said, if he altered any document, it would stand to benefit his party-but there is no benefit from anywhere.

“When you altered or cheat, you stand to benefit, but what is there that the ANC stands to benefit”? he told a local radio talk show last year.

When the chairman of Liberty Party(LP), Musa Bility was asked on Monday following the writ, he described it as “total nonsense.”

Mr. Cummings told open court that he has no knowledge of the allegation levied against him. Based upon this, and looking at the validity of his bond, he was set free to appear in court once he was needed.

Mr. Cummings after his release thanked his supporters for standing by him. It is not known when he will reappear in court to carry out hearing.

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