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Liberia-June 24, 2021-WTVNEWS: Following few hours after Eugene FAHNGON was sacked from the Government as Deputy Information Minister, Pres. Weah has nominated Jarlawah Tonpo to the position.

Mr. Tonpo serves as the Director of Press and Public Affairs for the LIBERIAN SENATE.

Eugene was fired based on what an Executive Mansion release termed as spreading falsehood against the Government’s fight towards the CoVID 19. Eugene was seen loud lately on indicating that the government is doing lip service in the pandemic fight which would cause the lives of many

Jarlawah Tonpo’s appointment appointment as Deputy Minister for Information at MICAT is subject to the Senate’s confirmation, which many have termed as an easy ride due to his previous work at the Legislature.

Jarlawah holds Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Communication and Master of Arts degree in International Relations from the University of Liberia and a Masters candidate in Public Administration at the same University.

Pundits have sparked a controversy that Tonpo has poorly served his role as the official spokesperson of the Liberian Senate over the period, as such, the Deputy information Minister post should be given to a communicator instead. See Less

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