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LIBERIA-July 19, 2021-WTVNEWS:
The Liberian Senate has confirmed the Central Bank of Liberia Hon. Aloysius Tarlue to officially serve his tenure.

Governor Tarlue was confirmed along with several Government appointees.

The confirmation of several Government officials by the Liberian Senate was made possible by reports from various committees following separate confirmation hearings.

Those confirmed include, Hon. J. Aloysius Tarlue Jr. and Dr. Musa Dukuly as Executive Governor and Deputy Governor for Policy respectively, the Central Bank of Liberia.

The Liberian Senate has also confirmed Hon. Emmanuel N. Reeves and Cllr. Margaret C. Ansumana as Senior Deputy Commissioner for Finance and Senior Deputy Commissioner for Legal Affairs, respectively at the Maritime Authority.

Also confirmed are, Cllr. Edwin K. Martin, Executive Chairperson, Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC), Hon. Garswa Jackson, Auditor General, General Auditing Commission (GAC), Hon. Leelia Rosamond Andrew, Deputy Minister for Technical Services, Ministry of Agriculture, and Mrs. Thelma E. Duncan (Comfort) Sawyer, Deputy Minister for Administration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs respectively.

According to a Senate Press Release, also confirmed by the Liberian Senate is Hon. D. Karn Karlor, Commissioner for National Integrity System, Governance Commission, Hon. Gertrude J.D. Williams, Assistant Minister for Administration and Insurance, Ministry of Transport, Hon. Reginald Nagbe, Director General, National Lottery Authority, Hon. Onekeh Symthe Jackson, Deputy Director for Human Resource Management and Policy, Civil Service Agency (CSA), as well as Hon. Angel Banda, Assistant Minister for Small and Medium Size Business, Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

It can be recalled that about five weeks ago, President George Weah made several nominations affecting several Ministries and Agencies across the country.

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