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By Legislative Corespondent

Following series of postponement by the House’s Committee on Public Works and Rural Development, Friday June 3,2022, has officially been set up to hold the confirmation hearing of Public works Minister-Designate, Madam Ruth Coker Collins.

Madam Collins was recently nominated by President George weah to serve as Minister of Public Works, replacing the late Mabutu Vlah Nyanpan who served in the same capacity from 2018 to 2020.

Madam Coker-Collins assumed the role as an acting Minister following the death of the late Mabutu Vlah Nyepan in 2020.

The confirmation hearing will be conducted by the Senate’s statutory Committee on Public Works and Rural Development headed by Bomi County Senator Edwin M. Snowe Jr.

The hearing is expected to commence at 3pm in the conference room of the Liberian Senate.

Meanwhile, Pres. George Weah has received numerous praises for the official appointment of Madam Coker-Collins to the role of Minister Proper for Public Works.

Pres. Weah in his appointment, indicated that he trusts the ability of Madam Coker-Collins to deliver on the pro poor agenda for road connectivity across the country.

Under the guidance of the Minister-Designate, Public Works has signed contracts with series of companies to begin road works across the country while other projects including the RIA road, Dixville, southeast roads are currently ongoing.

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