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..As BTC Barrack Becomes The Home Of Hundreds

By: Jerromie S. Walters

Barclay Training Center, Montserrado County: Women desire for the Army is becoming unmeasurable as hundreds makes the Barclay Training Center (BTC) Barrack their temporary home.

The applicants, mainly women use stones around the Barrack’s compound in claiming ownership of a specific spot, though the AFL recruitment is expected to officially commence on Tuesday, January 4. 2022.

The Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) recruitment is directed to Liberians from across the country with desire for the army.

Women and men at the BTC Barrack on Monday January 3, 2021, in separate views attributed their actions to their love for the Armed Forces while others conspicuously narrated that the compulsory interest is being developed due to the scarcity of job on the Labour market.

Winnifred Paye, age 27, from
Nimba County, was one of the many young women who assembled the Barrack since Sunday January, 2, 2021, as a means of being a part of the first badge of persons to be recruited.

Winnifred in an interview with WOMEN TV-LIBERIA said forming a part of the Army has been her dream since high school days. Her admiration for the army triggers on it’s objective to protect and guard the Liberian territories, as well as it’s moral uniqueness ranging from the customs to the different activities.

The 27 years old desire to be recruited in the army carries additional skills, as she’s reported to be a certified Electrician and an experienced heavy duty driver.

Contrary to Winnifred’s desire,
Josephine S. Tarnue, who hails from Lofa County is one of the few ladies whose desire of joining the Army absolutely far from the ambition, but is attempting to use it as a pathway in achieving her dreams of becoming a nurse.

In addition to those with overwhelming ambition, Amie Sheriff of Cape Mount love for the armed dates since her days as kid. Amie is a Registered Nurse (RN), at age 30.

Amie desire to being recruited to the military follows her interest not to just be a mere personel, but also contribute to the health department.

On December 15. 2021, the Armed Forces of Liberia announced the NATIONWIDE RECRUITMENT FOR THE ARMED FORCES OF LIBERIA IN FOUR GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA, with a recruitment center in each of the GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONs.

Extending his view in regards to the turnout as well as the actual number of candidates needed, Johnson T. Nteleker a certified Driver who also appears as one of the many individuals whose involvement in the army will reflect in different capacities, expressed confidence in being among the chosen candidates regardless of the crowd.

Johnson is optimistic of demonstrating diverse roles at the level of the army, upon being recruited. His confidence dwells on his willingness to deliver the best he can, as he has solely desire over the years.

On the other hand, Isaiah Johnson who Monday marks his second day at the Barrack is one of those with a term desire for the army, but has since be unfortunate over the years.

Johnson is a farmer, who unarguably meet the different criteria for candidates interested in joining the army. As it is reported that individuals often escape the training process at the army level, he professed to believe in he’s capable and prepared to confront he different training, except the academy aspects.

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