MONROVIA: Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Koijee today announced the immediate indefinite suspension of his subordinate, the director of the Monrovia City Police for ‘misused of Power and disorderly conduct.

Thomas Garwo Jr. earlier today impeded citizens movement by parking his vehicle in a odd manner for hours and placed his phone off in an attempt to avoid being contacted, thus obstructing peaceful citizens movement.

It was established that Director Garwo Jr. previously had a quarrel with someone in the neighborhood/Community, something which prompted his disorderly action.

“Director Garwo unilaterally took unto himself the authority to stall movement of several peaceful citizens when he parked his vehicle behind theirs, switched off his phone and walked away unruly, hindering movement for several hours. These citizens had to make several phone calls and engagements to no avail as he was nowhere to be found after carrying out his action, on grounds he had disagreements with someone in that vicinity,” Mayor Koijee.

Mayor Koijee further apologized to the affected citizens whose activities were halted by Garwo’s disorderly action and misuse of power.

Meanwhile, the Monrovia City Mayor Koijee has called for a speedy investigation into the actual cause of Garwo’s unruly action against peaceful citizens for further actions.

“Under our watch at the Monrovia City Government, lawlessness will not be tolerated and everyone under our authority must take heed and act accordingly. Liberia remains a country of law and no one, not even me, is above the laws of our country. Everyone must be accorded due respect no matter who they are, stand for or status; this is the Liberia we have always yearned for”, Mayor Koijee noted.

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